Mining and
Exploration Activity
in the Region
of the 1836, 1837, 1842, and 1854 Ceded Territories
of the
maps below are formatted for poster size, but can be printed on 8.5X11
paper by setting the scaling when printing in Adobe Acrobat
"fit to printable area")
Pollutants at Mine Sites:
Specific Conductance of Water in the Sand River Downstream of Minntac
- Gidakiiminaan
(Our Earth) Language Map with
Mine Sites and Known Ore Deposits. Ojibwe language place names and
operating mines, major exploration areas and known ore deposits.
Compiled by GLIFWC for the 1842, 1837, and the Upper Peninsula sections
of the 1836 ceded territories.
- Major Transportation Networks
with Mine Sites and
Known Ore Deposits Map.
Major transportation networks in the western Lake Superior region and
operating mines, major exploration areas (as of September 2011) and
known ore deposits. These roads, rail, and shipping networks could be
used to transport ore, concentrate, and chemicals used in the mineral
processing process.
- Known Tribal Resources
and Potential Mineral Development Map. The known presence and/or
harvest areas of walleye, musky, and wild rice in relation to operating
mines, major exploration areas (as of September 2011) and known ore
deposits. Compiled by GLIFWC as part of its delegated authority. Wild
rice data for the 1854 ceded territory was provided by the 1854 Treaty
Impact Analysis
- Using Mapping to Evaluate Impacts
of Proposed Mine Projects on Natural Resources in Areas of Cultural
Importance. This poster describes techniques for presenting tribal
concerns on the impacts of mining from a cultural perspective.
- Methods for Evaluating Indirect
Impacts to Wetlands. This poster describes a
method that can be used to assess the effects of changes in groundwater
hydrology to wetland functions and values.
- Methods for Visual Impact Analysis
and Potential Methods for Defining Areas of Potential Effect. This
poster describes ways to characterize visual impacts of mining as part
of a NEPA process and a Corps Section 106 process.
Mining in the Penokees
Comments on Wisconsin Mining Related Legislation